If you have a question about holiday rentals with El Rey Villas, you're in the right place.
We only charge a percentage of your daily booking rate, so you’ll have nothing to pay until we have secured your bookings!
With El Rey Villas, you can:
✔ Tell us the minimum and maximum holiday duration you will accept
✔ Review and approve your personal pricing strategy
✔ Request added extra’s like guest hampers & property management services
✔ And much more!
It is recommended that an insurance policy is taken out for peace of mind, although a number of the booking websites we partner with often provide some cover, for example, the Airbnb Host Guarantee provides property damage protection of up to $1,000,000.
El Rey Villas will collect damage deposit payments from guests on your behalf, and for clients opting to take our Inventory Service we will capture photographs after every changeover, to ensure you have evidence of what condition the property was in when the guest arrived and its condition when they left.
If this is a service you require we would be happy to discuss it further during your initial consultation.
Yes! We have a generous commission based scheme for partners helping us connect with property owners and guests. You can read more about this on www.elreyvillas.com/partners